
AI for Xcode

AI with Privacy

All users are anonymous and we never leverage your data

The leading Copilot for Xcode

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Unit Testing

Generate several unit tests and automate your test-driven development. CodeAI saves you countless hours writing mundane and redundant testing code. All this can be done directly in Xcode

Custom Prompting

If one of the several Code AI commands doesn’t fit your needs, leverage our Custom prompt which allows you to enter the exact command you would like, directly in Xcode.


Instantly add Voiceover to any feature in your codebase

Refactor and Simplify

Keep your code clean and consistent with our Refactor command

Unit Testing

Auto-generate unit test’s for any class and or method. Save time by leveraging our powerful AI unit test commands


Automate protocol-oriented programming with our protocolize command and improve testing capabilities


Write any logic in Xcode directly and use our custom command to integrate any command you desire


Our command list is actively growing and supports several other use cases for you to leverage as an extension in Xcode

Contact us.

We're here to support your development journey with CodeAI, the leading AI integration app for Xcode on MacOS. If you have any questions, need technical support, or have any feedback or suggestions, we'd love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and a member of our dedicated support team will get back to you promptly.

We're committed to constantly improving CodeAI, and your input plays a vital role in that. Whether you've discovered a bug, want to propose a new feature, or want to share your experience, your voice is valuable to us.

Thank you for choosing CodeAI to enhance your coding experience.